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Source Notes

1. Mississippi Secretary of State, Elections Report of Contributions and Disbursements, Mississippi Justice and Public Safety PAC, 2019, https://

2. Group with ties to billionaire George Soros spends $1.5 million on last-minute ads in Orange-Osceola state attorney race, Orlando Sentinel,
August 16, 2020, https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-ne-monique-worrell-george-soros-state-attorney-20200816-xgstfmgnlnbzrek5b-

3. Virginia Public Access Project, Parisa Deghani-Tafti, https://www.vpap.org/committees/327472/dehghani-tafti-for-arlington-common-

4. Virginia Public Access Project, Ramin Fatehi, https://www.vpap.org/committees/366163/fatehi-for-norfolk-commonwealth-attorney-ramin/

5. Soros-funded PAC has spent more than $240K to boost Clegg in Ulster County DA race, Daily Freeman, Oct 30, 2019 [Updated July 21, 2021]
race/; New York State Board of Elections, Campaign Finance Database, https://publicreporting.elections.ny.gov/Contributions/Contributions

6. Georgia State Ethics Commission, “Georgia Safety and Justice PAC: https://media.ethics.ga.gov/search/Campaign/Campaign_Name.aspx?Nam-

7. Louisiana Ethics Commission, “Louisiana Justice and Safety PAC,” https://eap.ethics.la.gov/CFSearch/LA-92153.pdf; More dollars flow in New
Orleans DA and judicial races in final hours before election, NOLA.com, November 2, 2020l https://www.nola.com/news/courts/article_

8. Pennsylvania Department of State, “Pennsylvania Justice and Public Safety PAC,” https://www.campaignfinanceonline.pa.gov/Pages/ShowRe-
port.aspx?ReportID=315459&isStatement=0&is24Hour=0; NB: Soros initially gave $1 million but was refunded $815,000 later.

9. Soros Adds Intrigue and $800,000 to D.A. Race, Backing Progressive, New York Times, November 4, 2019, https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/04/

10. CA Justice & Safety PAC, Form 460, Filed July 31, 2018; https://public.netfile.com/Pub2/RequestPDF.aspx?id=172888137

11. CA Justice & Safety PAC, Form 460, Filed July 31, 2018; https://public.netfile.com/Pub2/RequestPDF.aspx?id=172888137

12. Noah Phillips for District Attorney, Form 460, Filed July 31, 2018; https://public.netfile.com/Pub2/RequestPDF.aspx?id=172868824
