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Darwin Strikes Again
Idealists are mostly really nice people. However, they suffer from a fatal flaw. Most DO NOT live in reality. They want the world to fit their views, and look at the world through rose colored glasses.

They ignore reality. But reality has a way of slapping them awake in a very rude way. In Dustin and Geogean's case, it was the death of them.

Reality is a bitch, and she throws a lot of tantrums, some of which are very deadly.
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Beliefs Only Go So Far -
Then Reality Sets In

Darwin Award Winners: Dustin and Geogean

Throughout their journey, the couple said they were trying to prove “Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own.

Only ONE PROBLEM. Those make believe people where not only real people but turned out to be heartless cruel killers who murdered without remorse.

No second chances here. When you are dead, you stay dead-unlike Democratic voters who seem to be able to vote from the grave.

They were mostly right…right up until that fateful day in July of 2018 when they were ran over and stabbed by 5 ISIS followers. In life, death is a condition that does not allow second chances, or correct a belief that evil is just a concept invented by uninformed and un-enlighten fools.

And so the concept of evil, in the form of a car driven by ISIS members, intentionally plowed into them,.

After the crash, the attackers also stabbed their victims, as reported by the US Embassy.

A purported video of the attack received from an anonymous source and published by Radio Free Europe showed a car making a U-turn after knocking down the cyclists and driving over several people on a narrow road in broad daylight.

Several days later, an Islamic State outlet published a separate video of five men pledging allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and claiming responsibility for the attack. The men, who speak Russian, sit under a black Islamic State flag and refer to each other by Arabic names. (Source)

Now let me say this. Was it a tragedy. Absolutely. It was also a lesson, and it is this:

There ARE EVIL PEOPLE in the world, and these wretched people kill without any more reason than they are hate filled. If one IS NOT PREPARED, or TOO IGNORANT to realize that these evil bastards exist, then they just become prey.

While most people are decent souls, one MUST BE AWARE THAT THERE THOSE THAT ARE EVIL and HATE FILLED. They are the type that kill without remorse and have no tolerance for compromise for different views.

Unfortunately for this couple, their belief was proven wrong. There ARE people that have different beliefs and do not care what the beliefs of others are - they only wanted them dead. Hard to live with that.